AirSimmer’s Extended Team Program


What’s in it for me?
You get immediate access to the current Beta of the product, have an opportunity to contribute to the project, and save over 30% off the AirSimmer A320 Family retail price.

Can anybody join?
Essentially, yes. We want to receive feedback from a broad audience. However, the number of Extended Team licenses is limited, and we cannot guarantee that everyone will be accommodated. We will stop accepting new members once we have reached our limit.

What do Extended Team members get?
As an Extended Team member, you get the current FS9 Beta version of the product, along with all future product updates. You also get access to our specialized Extended Team Forums where you will be able to join discussions on ways of improving our product, current issues, feature requests, or any other product-related topics. By the end of the Beta phase, you will end up with the complete product.

Is this program right for me?
Although anyone may join the Extended Team, this program is not ideal for everyone. We are looking for people who have a little bit of spare time, significant FS experience and good A320 knowledge. Therefore, we will not be answering any basic “how to” questions in our Extended Team Forums. We also suggest that you do not join if you expect to receive a complete and fully functional product right away. As you already know from our monthly status updates, the current Beta does not have complete functionality, however, as an Extended Team member, you will be the first to receive and test new features as they are made available by the Development Team. Finally, please keep in mind that a money-back guarantee is not provided with the Extended Team license.

What responsibility will I have?
Your responsibility will be to maintain an active role in the Extended Team by participating in discussions, reporting issues, and voting in our status polls.

Is this a pre-order for the A320 Family?
No. We are offering you an opportunity to begin using AirSimmer aircraft as early as possible and over 30% off full retail price in exchange for your feedback and criticism during the Beta stage.

How do I join the Extended Team?
Click here to join